
Professional Development

March 28, 2020

How to Use Loom Recording for Online Teaching

Step-by-step tutorial to use Loom for online teaching.

Many teachers near and far are using Zoom to meet with their students face-to-face. Even my own daughter had a meeting this week and seeing a class full of 6 and 7-year-olds get together was the cutest thing! Their excitement to see each other was so genuine! My daughter was waiting patiently for her best bud to get on the call.

Connecting with students during these times is super important. They need you and honestly, you need them. We all need a sense of normalcy. Being able to give them something that they are used to helps provide a sense of security during these uncertain times. Using a screen recording platform, such as is a fabulous way to continue with a sense of normalcy.

Loom video recording is a platform that I have used for the last year and a half! What I love about it is that you can easily:

  • record your screen with voiceover
  • record your screen with your face in the corner and voiceover
  • record just your face talking to the camera

You can get behind that camera, record a lesson, and share it with your students. They can watch it at their own leisure. I have made you a step by step tutorial to show you how to use Loom recording for online teaching!

1. Sign up for a FREE account! Click HERE and be taken to the site.

2. Once you are there, you can either sign up with your email address or with a google account.

Enter your information and click “continue”.

3. On the next screen, you will choose what you are using loom for.

4. Next, you will choose how you want to access the platform. I love the desktop app and use that option. Choose whichever one is best for you!

5. You will have the option of being notified when students view your videos if you’d like.

6. Next, you will be ready to start recording your video! You will do one of the two options below.

Or, if you installed the desktop app, like me, then you will choose the program from your computer. Mine is both at the top of my screen and the bottom (not pictured below).

7. Once you click to begin your new video, you will have the following screen pop up.

8. From here, you will be able to start recording, pause the recording (to grab that thing you forgot to have handy), stop the recording, save the video, name it, shared it, and organize them into folders.

I created some videos to walk you through those steps!

Ways to Use Loom Recording for Teaching Online

There are so many ways you can use this platform. Here is a short list of ideas to help you get started!

  • Do a read aloud. Ask questions and wait so that students can answer even though it is not live.
  • Create a simple PowerPoint about your phonics skill of focus. Talk students through a short lesson. Have them use scratch paper and pencil to brainstorm words with that skill.
  • Teach them a song that helps them remember certain concepts. For example, a water cycle song.
  • Do a shared reading lesson with the poem displayed on your screen.

Friends, getting behind the camera is scary sometimes. Trust me! It took me a while to get comfortable. This doesn’t even touch the ins and outs of figuring out how to use it.

But YOU’VE GOT THIS! Just allowing your students to hear your voice will be so comforting for them.

And, as a momma at home trying to teach my kids, they will likely take to heart what YOU are teaching them better than what their parents are teaching them. 😉


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If you are looking for guidance on using ZOOM for a virtual online classroom, I made a tutorial HERE.

Happy Teaching,


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Hi, I'm Amanda

I’m a K-1 teacher who is passionate about making lessons your students love and that are easy to implement for teachers.  Helping teachers like you navigate their way through their literacy block brings me great joy. I am a lifelong learner who loves staying on top of current literacy learning and practices. Here, you’ll find the tools you need to move your K-2 students forward!


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Original price was: $14.75.Current price is: $11.50.
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Original price was: $358.75.Current price is: $180.00.

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22 Responses

  1. Hello! Thank you for the helpful videos on how to use Loom. My partner teacher & I teach first grade and have just started trying to use Loom. If you write on a board or hold up a book or worksheet, the words are backwards to students/parents watching. Is there something you can click on to change that? How do you go about uploading a worksheet to your Google Classroom account and then accessing it while making a video on Loom (Ex: Explaining how to do a skill on a worksheet or textbook page.) Any help you can give me on this will be greatly appreciated! Thanks so much for your help. God bless you!

    1. Hi Kerri! I am working on a step-by-step tutorial for using Loom with read alouds. I think that will help with the backward situation! Can you tell me more about the google classroom issue, though? I’m not SUPER familiar with it, but I have been playing around in it. Are you wanting to display your google classroom screen at the same time as your video? Let me know! 🙂 I’m happy to help the best that I can!

  2. I have a question about trying to do a read aloud . The words are backwards when I record. Is there a way to fix that . Can you give me step by step directions on how to do a read aloud using loom?

      1. Hi there, I am not seeing the tutorial for how to fix the backwards words when doing a read aloud on Loom…can you help me find that? I loved your blog.

  3. Hi Leah,
    I teach Kindergarten. I want to do some read alouds with my class. We are using Seesaw as our platform to interact with our students. I want the video to be visible to the students. I don’t want them to have to lick on a link first. Is this possible?
    Thank you!

  4. Hi! Thanks for the tutorial. I may be doing something wrong but…when I share the link, it seems like the students can see the whole loom page (if that makes sense). They could then click through all recordings and edit/delete the video etc. Is there a way to share the link so that when a student clicks it only allows them to view that video and not my home screen?

    1. Hi Jen! I’m not familiar with that feature. I’d have to play around with it a bit. I would think they would save, too.

  5. Hi! I am loving using Loom to make bodies for the classroom. I love the drawing tool feature, but I was under the impression that when I would write whatever drawings I made would stay there. However, they disappear quickly every time. Are they supposed to leave? Is there a way to get them to stick around?
    Thanks for all your hard work!

  6. Hi there, I am not seeing the tutorial you created for how to fix the backward image when I do a read aloud on Loom…can you help me? Thank you so much for your blog!

  7. I’m having trouble playing videos during my lesson. I would like to play sound clips while I teach a lesson (it is a music lesson), but it won’t record the sound. Do you have a tip around that? Even if I could insert a sound clip after I make the recording. Do you have any suggestions? I have tried searching for instructions, but have come up with nothing!

    1. Hi Alisah! Hmmmm, I’m not certain. Did you try a screen share option? I wonder if that will work over it just recording your face. That’s how I would do it with powerpoints so that I could flip through them as I talked. 🙂

  8. Thanks for the videos! When children view my videos through the link I post it takes them to my loom home screen. I am concerned that they may accidentally make changes to video or delete it altogether. Have you had any issues with that happening?

    1. Hi Laura! Are you sharing the video link or the link to your library? When I share just the video link, that’s all they have permission to see. They can’t see the library of videos. 🙂

  9. Hello
    I’m excited to try using Loom, thank you for the tutorial!
    Can Loom be used with a document camera?

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