Our curriculum does not even touch Thanksgiving. I decided to sneak some in during our LA block. As I was reading a non-fiction book, I paused for the kids to fill in the word “Mayflower”. When NO ONE–and I mean absolutely no one–knew the name of the ship, I knew I had to find other places to squeeze it in. I was heart broken!!
We read a lot of non-fiction pilgrim books and compared and contrasted their lives to ours. We made little pilgrim clothes and gave them a picture to cut out their little head. They turned out pretty cute!
This sweetie thinks she’s done with school already, I guess! It made me giggle!
We took some time to talk about what the pilgrims and native americans wore. We made costumes and wore them during our story book parade. We marched with a non-fiction book about pilgrims. This gave the students a chance to wear their little costumes before the feast, too. It also made sure that everyone was able to participate in the parade.