
Professional Development

July 4, 2017

6 Ways to Use Expo Markers in the Classroom

When it comes to classroom supplies, there are many that we use each and every day. Every teacher has their favorites, but I think there is one supply that we ALL use, not matter what grade level we teach or what subject we teach–EXPO dry erase markers are an absolute MUST HAVE! Most of the time you can find teachers writing on their dry erase boards, BUT here are six other ways that you can use EXPO Dry Erase Markers with Ink Indicator in the classroom.

Dry erase markers are a must for each classroom! These 6 ideas are creative, easy to do, and engaging for students!
*Amazon affiliate links are used below.

1. Write notes of encouragement on students’ desks.

They wipe off easily with a tissue most of the time, but if not, grab a baby wipe.

Use dry erase markers to write encouraging notes on students' desks!

2. Laminate anchor charts and reuse them.

I love this hack. It makes things so much easier. KWL charts, can-have-are charts, story element charts, and the list goes on. Anchor charts are amazing and being able to re-use them simply makes your teacher life easier!

3. Use them to do quick checks.  

Grab your dry erase boards or plastic plates during whole group and quickly see who is getting it and who isn’t.  Have students write answers on their boards and then hold them up for the teacher to see.

Use dry erase markers with plastic plates to do quick checks during whole group lessons.

4. Save paper by placing recording sheets in sheet protectors.

Simply slide the page into a sheet protector or dry erase pouch and use EXPO Dry Erase Markers with Ink Indicator to write on them. I have really liked these found HERE.Use dry erase markers in the classroom to turn recording sheets or work station activities into re-useable pages. No more million copies!

5. Make boring games fun by having students race at the board.

They can race the clock or each other, it doesn’t matter! A race always makes things more engaging for students.Use dry erase markers in the classroom to turn simple games into engaging races at the dry erase board!

6. Write to-do lists on your desk or table.

Did I mention writing on desks already? Well, I love it that much and it’s so simple! Write on your own! Plus, I love a good to-do list that shows I have accomplished things for the day!

If you are looking for a great EXPO marker for these purposes, I am loving the new EXPO Dry Erase Markers with Ink Indicator markers!  Not only do they have the same awesome tip that we all love that makes 3 widths of lines, but they tell us when we are running low on ink. Does it get any better than that?EXPO Markers with Ink Indicator are a must-have for any classroom teacher! They save you from running around in the middle of a lesson after you discover that you have a bucket full of dry markers!

What are your favorite ways to use EXPO Dry Erase Markers with Ink Indicator in the classroom? You can grab some HERE for the new school year for the lowest price I have found! Leave a comment and let me know how you get creative with them!

Dry erase markers are a must for each classroom! These 6 ideas are creative, easy to do, and engaging for students!

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A big thanks to Expo for sponsoring this post! I received compensation and/or free product from EXPO for this post.  All opinions are 100% my own.

Happy Teaching,



Want to use the latest research to boost your readers during small groups? This FREE guide is packed with engaging ideas to help them grow!

Hi, I'm Amanda

I’m a K-1 teacher who is passionate about making lessons your students love and that are easy to implement for teachers.  Helping teachers like you navigate their way through their literacy block brings me great joy. I am a lifelong learner who loves staying on top of current literacy learning and practices. Here, you’ll find the tools you need to move your K-2 students forward!


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4 Responses

  1. Felt good to read this article and I am totally inspired by your work and got some great ideas. Thanks and keep sharing 🙂

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