
Professional Development

Sight Words in Our Classroom

I thought I’d pop in a share a little bit about sight words in our classroom. We have a list of 100 words to teach throughout the year.  This summer I had spent time mapping out how we would teach the sight words the adoption introduces while also teaching color words, number words, and others […]

Phonics Instruction in Our Classroom

Teaching phonics has not always been a strength of mine. As a matter of fact, my first 3 years of teaching, my phonics instruction was rarely explicit and direct.  There was never a rhyme or reason to the sequence, either. I taught phonics as they came up during our shared reading and guided reading time […]

BIG and EXCITING News!!!!

Photography by Life in Low Aperture  Since April, my hubs and I have been on a beautiful journey.  Through lots of prayer, seeking wisdom from others, and more prayer, we have decided to adopt from the Democratic Republic of Congo! We are so excited these days we can hardly contain ourselves!  You may be thinking, […]

Pin It to Win It Fun!!

It’s Hump Day, ladies and gents! That means we are done with more than half of our week! WAHOO! I thought a little “Pin It to Win It” would be fun for this mid-week celebration! Only a few more days to take advantage of this great deal we have with Educents.  Over 1400 pages of […]

Pin It to Win It Winner

I’m just poppin’ in to announce our little winner! Thanks so much to everyone who was a part! I loved it! 🙂

Get Your Shop On!!

I am sure you have heard the great news by now! Teachers Pay Teachers is having  a back to school sale tomorrow and Monday!!  I am joining them and marking everything in my store 20% off! Enter the TpT code: BTS13 to get the full 28% off!  Go fill up your cart and get ready […]

Teacher Week ’13- Classroom Digs!

Since I moved classrooms this year, I have spent MOST of my time getting organized instead of decorating.  Today my fabulous mom came to help me work in my classroom.  I like to be ALL set before the big professional development week that we just all LOVE soooo much!! 😉 Here is what I have done […]

Teacher Week ’13- Let’s Talk About Me!

This is probably one of my favorite weeks for a little blog linky party.  Last year I participated in Blog Hoppin’s little Back to School party and I just had a blast! I’m linking up with them again this year! 1. I am married to my college sweetheart! We have quite a story and I […]

Back to School Must-Haves!

EEEKKK!!! I am so excited to finally share this with you all!!  I have teamed up with some wonderful bloggers to help create this Back to School Must-Haves EMagazine!! I shared an adorable teacher bag, classroom furniture piece, and classroom decorating must-have for my walls.  I can’t tell you all about them here or else […]

Five for Friday is Back!!

Can you believe it is August already? Goodness gracious! Besides school starting, August is my birthday month.  Yep, I said it, birthday MONTH! Once my husband used the “it’s my birthday” excuse for a whole month and he has never lived it down!! Today I am happy to be linking up with Doodle Bugs Teaching […]

Font Lovin’!

As you all know I am quite the font lover!  Ever since my college days when a good friend of mine introduced me to DJ Inkers, I was hooked on clipart and fonts. I also enjoy creating my own fonts, though! Several of you have my set of fonts, AJ Fonts.  Yesterday I added 4 […]

Favorite Pins Friday!

I have been pinning away again this week! So I am linking up with The First Grade Parade again for her Favorite Pins Friday Linky!   Here are some of my favorite pins I added to my pinboards this week!! For the Home: I just LOVE this light up sign!! It looks so simple, too! I know here […]

Favorite Pins Friday!

Since there is no more Five for Friday for a little bit (which is a much deserved break I might add!), Cara did it again, my friends!! She is hosting a Favorite Pins Friday Linky!  Of course I am linking up! How easy is this?! Here are some of my favorite pins I added to […]

TLC for the Guided Reading Binder

An organized guided reading binder is the important for the success of guided reading groups. See how to keep student data together, organize groups, and manage conferences all in one place! #guidedreading #balancedliteracy

I have been super busy the last few weeks with school, but when I got crazy sick on Friday, I just didn’t have the energy to focus on school work.  Instead, I spent my time finishing up some MUCH needed TLC for my Guided Reading and Conference Binder. {click the picture above to go to […]

Fabulous Feedback!

It’s summer time and for me, this is the perfect time to catch up on blog reading, Pinteresting (is that even a verb?? I just made it one!), and relaxing! The fabulous Christina Bainbridge had the brilliant idea to host a Fabulous Feedback linky! Here’s the deal.  I will pick two people who have left […]

Kickin’ It Up to 2nd!

I am so behind on posting about our ABC count down. Partially because I have even super busy with normal end of year craziness, but also because I have been bad and forgotten to take pictures! I wanted to share something we did that I just really enjoy! For “K” day we had “Kickin’ It […]

Five for Friday!

YAY for Friday!! I am just beat this week!! My kids have been fun, but SO talkative and I seriously barely have a voice.  I sound like a man! Linking up with Doodle Bugs again to share Five Fabulous Things! 1. This is how tired and scattered I have been.  My teammate had to set […]

Chalk Paint Fun!

I just have to tell you all how FABULOUS chalk paint is!!! Today we had “Mix It Up” day which meant we had a class mixed with K-4th graders.  I had a wonderful class and the whole point was for us to have some fun and meet a new friend or two.  I only had […]

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