
Professional Development

September 25, 2013

Sight Words in Our Classroom

I thought I’d pop in a share a little bit about sight words in our classroom.

We have a list of 100 words to teach throughout the year.  This summer I had spent time mapping out how we would teach the sight words the adoption introduces while also teaching color words, number words, and others from the Dolch list. That all changed when we were given the list of 100 words to teach.  Some were in the adoption, most were on the report card, but most were going to need to be worked in.

This is what I came up with.

I am still missing some words, but 92 is pretty dern close to 100!

Each day we do flash cards in a powerpoint form.  I just set it up to have 1 second between each slide.  Each week we add our new words together, then flash through the whole set of words we have learned.

We also do sight words songs each day to practice our words of the week. Here is one of our favorites!!

We also use Maria’s Bundle of Books. They are FABULOUS!!!

 Each week we create the books that go with our sight words for the week. 

For each student, I create an individualized Sight Word Baggie with the words they need to practice.  As they learn the words, I take them out of their baggies.  This keeps parents up to date on their progress and it also provide them with flashcards to practice every night! 
Basically, every sing day we are doing something with our words! Singing them, chanting them, dancing, spelling, writing, and reading!! 
Do you have any great sight word ideas that you use in your classroom? I’d love to know about them! I’m always looking for great new ideas!! 

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Happy Teaching,



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Hi, I'm Amanda

I’m a K-1 teacher who is passionate about making lessons your students love and that are easy to implement for teachers.  Helping teachers like you navigate their way through their literacy block brings me great joy. I am a lifelong learner who loves staying on top of current literacy learning and practices. Here, you’ll find the tools you need to move your K-2 students forward!


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One Response

  1. I was just stopping by your blog to say that I showed your Word Wall toppers that I LOVE LOVE LOVE on my blog today – you can see that HERE but then I saw your post and it made my day…because I was just about to spend the rest of my weekend mapping out my sight word schedule for the year. I am trying 100 words this year too… but it will be my first time introducing that many in kinder. Thank you for sharing your schedule it will help me quite a bit. Yay!

    Crayons and Whimsy

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